Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My name is Luis I am a student of veterinary medicine at the University of Chile,I wanted to study veterinary medicine because I love animals and especially dogs, I live in Talagante,the truth is that this will not dominate many of the blogs,I hope to learn English by means of such.
That's all .bye


  1. Hello colleauge!!! jaja i´m either dominate the blogs, is very difficult for my make this homework, whatever, is a nice blog and your picture is nice too!!!

  2. Hi..Luis
    I hope you are well
    sorry...Who is "LOGO"??
    Is very pretty..

    ok.. Write me

  3. Carrancio did you write me no?

    you are veteros08... i thought that person was the miss,,,jajaja
    we continue to talk... ok??...

    I hope your are fine... see yaa!!!

  4. mmm... i dont have note in economy because this day i was gonig later to the class...and you??? which was your note?

  5. ok. too short though.

    You have a 5.
